Monday, June 8, 2009

Those were the best days of my Life

Hi guys,

This post is dedicated to my school days .I would like to share of some of my memories I have from my school days .Some of which are really lame and some of which make me laugh and miss those days of my life .

When I was in UKG , there was a gal who used to pinch me a lot .She was my benchmate as well.I recall that her name was Shefalikha something .It had become so embarrasing for me that I reported this to my mom and then one cousin of mine came with me to the school and instructed her not to repeat the same. We became gud frens after that till class 1 and then she left the school :-(

There was an incident in Class 3 when I was the monitor of the class and we used to have Drawing Class.So our teacher (Anil Sir) drew a nice garland and I appreciated it saying "Waah ! Kya Mala hai " .He heard it as "Kya Maal hai " and My God, I was thrashed badly after this .He finally shouted asking for the monitor of the class.When I told I am the monitor of the class he got more pissed and took my monitor badge.It was like a court martial !! That day I cried like a baby but the next day itself my class teacher made me the monitor again and I got back to happy days :-)
But in those days when i used to be the monitor I used to have sleepless nights sometimes with the fear of losing a duster or not having put enough chalks in the box .

When we entered class 4th or 5th ( dont remember exactly ) , in one of our PT classes , guys and gals were taken to separate rooms and we (the guys lot ) were instructed to start wearing underwear) . So as a routine from next PT classes our PT sir used to check whether we were having our underwears on by feeling our ass .. Can you beat that !! The funny part is this check was done in 2 phases . In phase 1 guys were asked to wait outside the class when the gals were examined and then in Phase 2 we used to enter the class with gals waiting outside.But mind it our PT Sir used to examine only the guys .Dont remember who did it for gals.

Again in class 5th I guess there was an incident where our Bio teacher was conducting a quiz .At the end of the class only me and Ankit ( our class topper) were left who had answered all the questions .So this teacher ( Mrs Dogra ) asks me/Ankit to take the stick and hit the remaining classmates.We both kept declining the offer but finally I took it and beat everyone officially .Ofcourse i was liberal with my frens in doing the same . :-)

I think when we came to 8th standard we had reproductive system as a chapter which most of us read the 1st day we got the book.I still remember the green color Selena Publishers Concise Biology book .There were sections like "Not in Syllabus ,But good to know especially for girls " ...We made sure that we havent missed any of those topics.Those days Google,Youtube etc were not there so he had to be content with the limited knowledge from the text. I dont want to discuss the weird doubts I had back then in this chapter.

In my 8th Std my scores in Maths were 49/50 , 94/100 . 50/50 , and 96/100 .Well, dont think I was a champ in Maths .The funda was that our maths teacher (Ghulam Sir ) just used to see whether the guy has mentioned "Hence Proved " in the solution .Anything before that was not of interest for him.

In my 9th std ,English was taken by our strict principal Father Varghese .He once was taking the prepositions test.He came to me and asked the preposition for "engaged". I answered confidently saying"to" . Well the answer he had in his mind was "in" and without any delay I got 2 stick shots on my palm .Then he realized that "to" also is the right answer and said "Sorry Vivek" and continued the process coolly !!

I was mainly focused to academics in my school days but I remember I played the role of a side waiter in the Cinderella play and practised as Lepidus for Julius Caesar ( which turned out to be a major hit ).But I guess I sucked so bad that all the scenes where Lepidus had any part were scrapped .

I had some crushes in my school but I was terrible in conversing with any gal ( especially beautiful ones) . I used to get goosebumps if some gal used to come to me for any doubt .Once a gal comes and gives me a toffee on her birthday and I, with sweat all over the forehead, asked her "For Wat ? " although I could see that she is not in school uniform. Yes this gal was really beautiful which was also a cause for the disaster .I finally realized that I dint even wish her !I had been so terrible that I couldnt even ask the gals of my class to fill my scrapbook .

Well those were really great days of life where I used to be happy with silly things like playing cheap sharpener cricket on the bench ,making fun of the teachers , being scared of the Principal, slogging throughout the year to get a gud rank in the class , taking notes properly in the class , carrying a heavy bag with all the books well covered ( with labels as well ) ,struggling to convince my mom to take my cycle to school ,carrying an extra rupee to buy the pepsi ice cream outside the college gate etc etc etc .

Will always cherish those days and will miss those frens with whom I had such a nice time .



Ruchi Jha said...

heyaaa great post man...mala story was amazing(back in class 3...oh man i din't know u were so naughty)...hehehee...u made me feel nostalgic..i was about to ask u that i never saw u in da play but u cleard my doubt later on saying that ur part was scraped off...hehe...

Wud like to mention about dat sharpener game u guys used to play in school...and da way u guys used to react wen it fell near any gals' desk...that was really funny...feel like laughing wen i remember those days...and ya who was da b'ful gal who gave u sweets???
Great going dude...keep it up...

Kumar Vivek said...

Thanx Ruchi .Me and this gal used to catch the bus from the same stop .
She was really cute .I guess her pet name was jimmy .she was 2 years younger to us :-)

Mayank said...

Well written. Reminded me of my own school days. those were the best ones, with pure mind and free heart.
By the way, about the "not being able to talk to a gal part", well .... our Vivek is a total extrovert now :-) Keep up the good writing buddy..

Sandeep said...

geek!! trying to show of ur marks at school !! :P

Onkar Bhat K said...

Dude, the part where I laughed my ass off was "Not in Syllabus ,But good to know especially for girls " ....coz even I made sure I never missed those topics :-D...BABA post.... lot of improvement over the previous ones.... May the force be with you... |\/| - live long and prosperous...

Unknown said...

The post makes me feel nostalgic. I miss the sharpener game :)
BTW let us catch up sometime. I have been in B'lore for 2 years now and haven't met any of the Josephites at length.

Kumar Vivek said...

@Mehra :Hey ya man we should meet sometime .Btw Rahul is coming to Bangalore tomoro .He'll be stayin in my place itself .We all can meet !!