Friday, June 5, 2009

hello everyone

hi ,
This week I have got so badly bored in office that I thought may be I should see how blogging may help me get over this boredom .To some extent it is also inspired by Barney .After all as we all know he is awesome .

Let me sum up what I hace been doing this week .So it all started with the last weekend when I got the first 2 seasons of How I Met your Mother .So my weekend was thereby taken care of .

Oh Crap .Chuck it . I think blogging is equally boring .Let me find out some other means of making the day bit interesting .

30 mins Later --->

i m bak ,couldnt find anything really interesting .So what I did is started chatting with Abhiram to get some idea abt blogging and help me remove my one year old post titled "Lanja Kodaka ! " . So I get some nice ideas from him and now I am finding this place pretty cool .May be I'll post something interesting very soon !


Onkar Bhat K said...

1) Spelling mistake :
Let me sum up what I "hace" been doing this week .

2) @Abhiram - Kudos to you, for having enlightened the lower mortal

3) @Vivek - congrats on the first post, but let the other posts not be as bad as this one :-p .

4) @All - BEWARE!!!, Vivek is gonna quote Barney more often now

Ruchi Jha said...

ouchhh....that was a pathetic try to write sumthin interesting...newaz good effort..must say...

Kumar Vivek said...

Actly I dint put any effort and that's y it looks exactly the way I felt while blogging