Wednesday, June 10, 2009

GoodBye Lalitha !!

Well ,let me introduce you ppl to Lalitha .Trust me,Lalitha gives a very gud 1st impression .I remember the day when Onkar comes to me with a video on his cell phone and says "Dude ! Check it out .Awesome Stuff" and after seeing the video I too fell for it and I replied saying "Baba ! I am in ".The video created the same impression for others as well and finally we came to live in this house called "Lalitha" .

We have stayed for more than a year now in this house and finally we have decided to move on to some better place . But associated with this house are some nice memories.Let me give u an idea abt the guys who stay in this house apart from me. If you see some really black guy on the roadside eating some junk and talking crap non stop then probably u have caught Sandeep and if you see some guy with a handkerchief in hand and clearing the nose ( with Hero Honda Street parked nearby) you surely have seen Onkar .

Oh wait a minute we also have a weekend flatmate ,Sridhar :) . If you see some guy staring at something and saying "Dude , 8 o'clock hot chick .Do you think she is a Tamilian ?? ", then he is the one .

As soon as you enter our house you will be welcomed with the sight of a dirty stretch of shoes and slippers on the floor.Further you would see 2 mattresses ( without a bed sheet ) lying on the floor .Oh ,in case you want to sit you'll have to remove the pile of old newspapers ( some of them might be having fud stains) .But then dont u dare to pick the dirty pillow .You may catch some disease if you are a hygiene freak.

We guys have had really nice time over here .Something really fruitfull which we have done here is to start learning guitar which we guys had been postponing since ages. Now finally this house echoes with the guitar chords and Sandeeps ,"nana naneeee naeeee nanaa" way of singing songs .I m sure Mayank is missing that and having sound sleep, after he left the house some time bak :-)

Also we would miss the neighbours for sure .Hey wait ,I am not talking abt Muni M@dar%^* .We have a couple neighbour and quite a no. of times we got a glimpse of something which was a nice timepass initially.The scene used to be something like this.One of us would enter the house and announce "Guys,Action time !" and then within seconds all the lights would be off and 4 pair of eyes would be peeping through the window and after sometime we would move off saying "Wat crap ! This guy is a loser ".

We have had some great weekends over here where Sridhar ( after having few shots of orange flavoured vodka ) discussing only abt his crush and sharing his frustration of not being able to even talk to her .Every booze session ,we end up talking abt her and Sandeep would be trying to justify that this is not the right time to marry and thereby trying to convince us that may be we should have bought one more quarter of Vodka.

We guys have been following somethings almost like a routine now .For eg. in the morning it has always been Onkar to open the door for the maid.Then we have been following the round-robin rule to wash the vessels,getting groceries from the store etc etc etc.And on no. of occasions there have been confusion and in all these instances we have made Sandeep the culprit :-) There were also rules like "no smoking within the house" .We relax this rule when Onkar is out of station. :)

We have celebrated 4 birthdays in the house and have faced our irritating neighbour the next morning .Well in our last birthday celebration this bastard dint even wait for morning which became a big motivation to chuck this house .Looking forward for all this bakchodi and lots more in our next shelter .Amen



Archana said...

Hey really nice post...intro about ur roomies is awesome(onkaar's :-)) i got a clear picture ,how a "Bachelors" house look like :-).

Sandeep said...

da point to be noted is " WHY IS VIVIEK BLOGGING profusely" we have not shifted da house yet and this blog cud be written much later... but i guess dere is someone whom he is trying to impress!!
coz being a c**t he is.... ther's obviously some motive behind dis!!

Kumar Vivek said...

@Sandeep :
U just justified that the way I described u in the post is perfect ,by talking crap yet another time .

Ruchi Jha said...

The best part about da post is dat da condition of da room described seems to be quite genuine...donno about da description of da roomies though...(all of them seem quite angry by it though)...and ya sandeep has actually compelled me to think..."WHY IS VIVEK BLOGGING PROFUSELY?"....newaz wateva da reason is must say vivek is definitely puttin loads of effort...all da best n keep blogging...

Mayank said...

Vi is right .. I miss much of the nonsense stuff which is "the stuff for bachelors" .. It was fun there.. and except for MUNI M@$%^... things went on pretty fine... hopefully you people find a better house.. i doubt about the new being as spacious as the old ones though.. Vivek.. u cud have mentioned the cricket we play, the other neighbor.. aunty who controls the entire house from her kitchen much to our pain.. Keep such stuff coming man.. feels good to read..